"Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God." Job 37:14

Charles T. Lathem
Accredited Land Consultant

Gainesville Office

» Stan Bennett
» Clay Chatham
» Kathy Cooper
» Bill Frobos
» Charles T. Lathem, ALC
» Richard Lathem
» Mitch Lathem
» Jonathan Lathem
» Tabethia Sutton
» Rick Cooper

Charles T. Lathem (Charlie) has been a staple in Georgia real estate for over 27 years. Serving as owner and broker of several real estate firms over the years, Charlie’s professional and real life experience in land prompted him and partner Stan Bennett to establish Southern Heritage Land Company Inc. Their vision was a firm specializing in the sale of farms, large acreage tracts, timber tracts, recreational land, and commercial and subdivision development, while serving as stewards of the land.

Since its inception, Southern Heritage Land Company Inc. has become known for its expertise in recreational land tracts and other types of land for sale throughout the southeast. Charlie understands that buying land is an investment, and can help clients determine the optimal tract for their investment needs and the best route for the long-term success of that investment.

Years of experience and hard work in real estate have given Charlie numerous association memberships, awards, and recognition from organizations. He has earned the Accredited Land Consultant designation from the National Association of Realtor’s, Realtor’s Land Institute. Charlie has served as President of the Georgia Chapter of the Realtor’s Land Institute for two years and is an Active Live Member of the Gainesville-Hall County Million Dollar Club. He was awarded the Phoenix Award from the Hall County Board of Realtor’s in 2002 and was named the Georgia Land Realtor of the Year by the Realtor’s Land Institute in 2001. Over the years Charlie has served on numerous committees on the local, state and national levels including Chairman of the Professional Standards Committee.

While he started in Georgia, Charlie is also a licensed real estate broker in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi. Southern Heritage Land Company Inc. currently has six service areas in Georgia and one in Mississippi.

Charlie has great respect for the land. Not only does he work to represent landowners in a responsible way, but he and his family enjoy all the land has to offer, spending free time hunting, fishing, coaching soccer, and just being outside. Charlie is an active member of Lanier Hills Church in Gainesville. He and his wife, Deborah, have three children, Mitch, Jonathan and Mandy, all life-long residents of Gainesville, Georgia.

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